The Quarterly Goal Jinx, part 2

Jinx shminx!

AT 7:40pm on the last day of Q3 2017, I hit my word count goal of 90,000 words. Well, passed it by a little.

If you read my previous blog post, you know why this is such a huge deal for me. The tl;dr of it is that I set myself a lofty goal this third quarter and I managed to hit it. I'm super proud of myself (and will be drinking tonight in celebration).

This came down to the wire, as much in my life does, but I felt confident waking up this morning. 3,000 words in a day was definitely doable and something I'd done, and exceeded in the past. When I first set the goal for myself, I knew I had enough content to add to my manuscript in the form of sub plots and because I am a self-labeled underwriter. 31,000 words in three months isn't exactly noteworthy when you think about it, not in the grand scheme of things and not when compared to NaNoWriMo (post on that coming soon), but it as still nice to give myself a goal and accomplish it.

Tomorrow I'll come back here to talk about my Q4 goals. I'll check off what I accomplished in Q3 and talk about what I want to accomplish in Q4, so, stay tuned!

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