The Quarterly Goal Jinx

By writing this blog post, on this subject, I'm convinced I'm jinxing myself.


My WIP / manuscript / novel is sitting at around 81,000 words and change. At the beginning of this quarter of 2017 (Q3 - July / August / September), I gave myself the goal of writing 90,000 words. I started at less than 59,000.

If I manage to write a little over 2,000 words every day for the next four days, I am going to hit that goal.

That's right, I may actually complete one of the harder quarterly goals I've set for myself, at least in writing.

With this being the third quarter of setting goals for myself, it has been encouraging to see a gradual increase in the number of goals accomplished once that last day rolls around. I'm hitting about half of my goals in Q3 and hoping to do better in Q4.

But, more importantly, I could be hitting a huge word count goal I placed for myself. I'm super stoked about it!

I fully expect to be hit by a falling meteor and have my fingers shattered so the universe can make a point about this kind of premature celebration.

Maybe I should stay inside...

A.P. ThayerComment