The Importance of a Writing Group


The end, thanks for stopping by.

No, but, seriously. Joining a writing group is one of the best things you can do for your writing. Sure, everyone says to be well-read in your genre (and out of it), to be disciplined, to read this book or that book. And yes, joining a writing group isn't some secret no one ever shares.

Still. Joining my writing group was one of the most productive and active movements I've made towards being a better writer.

You are surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who not only put pressure on you to hit your word counts by their very existence, but support you in all your writer lifestyle ups and downs. They get what you're going through. Like, really get it. Maybe better than you do.

Or maybe I've just been blessed with a particularly good one.

In any case, get yourself a writing group. Even if it's just a handful of people. Writers may be introverts but we love being introverts in little groups.

Get at it.

A.P. ThayerComment