Saturday Night's for Fighting...

But Sunday night's for writing!

I'm taking a break from putting word to paper to write this out, just so I can shift gears a little. So far, it's been a very productive day. I met up with my writer's group at a bar and we cranked out some word counts together, chatted, and shared some drinks. Apart from the usual headache I get from day drinking, I was pretty happy about the results.

Once home, I took some time to wrestle with the idea of napping, ate dinner, and watched some bad TV before getting back down to writing. Now I've settled in a little, have my writing playlist going, and am getting ready for another writing sprint. Gotta get ready for NaNo, right??

Speaking of NaNo, I haven't even started to think about what I'm doing for the month of November. I've got my one, main piece I'm working on, but should I attempt something else, just for fun? Or to give myself a break? I'm not wild about spending time on something that isn't my main manuscript until its ready for beta readers... Maybe that should be my goal?

Damn, that reminds me of the Halloween short story I need to write for my writing group spookfest. 1500-2000 words is no big deal, but I don't have anything planned for that yet either.

NaNoWriMo, spookfest, draft 2 of ADNB1, keeping up with reading, completing my quarterly goals... god damn it, why am I even still typing this blog post out?

I need more coffee.

A.P. ThayerComment